You Could Win the Serendipity Vacation

- To qualify for the annual complimentary all inclusive trip for two (2) for seven (7) days including travel time, both persons must be subscribers within TwoHearts dating app.
- Both persons that have met on “TwoHearts” must be in a relationship between Jan. lst and Nov. 30th of that present calendar year and must maintain a Healthy relationship beyond Nov 30th of that same calendar year to qualify.
- Both persons must fill out the form within TwoHearts.Love website and submit by Nov. 30th of that present calendar year to qualify for the “Serendipity Vacation”
- Both persons must reside in Canada excluding the province of {Quebec) and must be 18 years of age or older and answer a skill testing question to qualify for winning the “Serendipity Vacation “
- The annual “Serendipity Vacation” will be electronically drawn Dec. 15th of that same calendar year and will be posted publically on TwoHearts website ( TwoHearts.Love ) on Dec. 15th as well as the winning couple will be notified by email followed by a Phone call.
- Chances of winning ” Serendipity Vacation ” may vary depending on the amount of subscribers and to the utmost of one in ten thousand ( 1:10,000 ) Canada wide excluding the province of (Quebec)
- Approximate value of “serendipity Vacation” is $6,000.00 CAD. currency with no cash substitute in lieu of the “serendipity Vacation” and non- transferable to other parties.
- TwoHearts lnc. is not viable for any expenses above $6,000.00 Cad. (Any expenses above $6,000.00 Cad. Are the winning contestants obligation.)
- There will only be one “Serendipity Vacation” per calendar year as dated above.
Download the Serendipity Vacation Contest Rules click here.
Download the Government of Canada Enforcement Guidelines for Promotional Contests click here.
- Means of transportation & transportation costs not included to and from airport prior to departure and arrival.
- Health lnsurance and vacation insurance are not included within the prize offered.